Saturday, October 24, 2015


What are the major function of human brain

Specific areas of the cerebral cortex are associated with different regions and functions of the body.the brain called the corpus callosum (the blue-colored band in , each half of the brain controls muscles and glands on the opposite side of the body. In general, the left brain is associated with language, speech, and mathematical abilities, whereas the right brain is associated with intuitive, musical, and artistic abilities. Researchers have found that the two sides of the cerebrum can operate as two different brains. For instance, in some people the tract between the two hemispheres has been cut by accident or surgery. In laboratory experiments, one eye of an individual with such a "split brain" is covered and a stranger is introduced. If the other eye is then covered instead, the person does not recognize the stranger who was just introduced! Sometimes blood vessels in the brain are blocked by blood clots, causing a disorder called a stroke. During a stroke, circulation to an area in the brain is blocked and the brain tissue dies. A severe stroke in one side of the cerebrum may cause paralysis of the other side of the body.

How related thalamus and hypothalamus process information in the brain

Beneath the cerebrum are the thalamus and hypothalamus, important centers for information processing. The thalamus is the major site of sensory processing in the brain. Auditory (sound), visual, and other information from sensory receptors enter the thalamus and then are passed to the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex. The thalamus also controls balance. Information about posture, derived from the muscles, and information about orientation, derived from sensors within the ear, combine with information from the cerebellum and pass to the thalamus. The thalamus processes the information and channels it to the appropriate motor center on the cerebral cortex

. The hypothalamus integrates all the internal activities. It controls centers in the brain stem that in turn regulate body temperature, blood pressure, respiration, and heartbeat. It also directs the secretions of the brain's major hormone-producing gland, the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is linked by an extensive network of neurons to some areas of the cerebral cortex. This network, along with parts of the hypothalamus and areas of the brain called the Hippocratic. pus and Alameda, make up the limb system. The areas highlighted in green in  indicate the components of the limb system. The operations of the limb system are responsible for many of the most deep-seated drives and emotions of vertebrates, including pain, anger, sex, hunger, thirst, and pleasure, centered in the Alameda.  that the limb system is the area of the brain affected by cocaine. It is also involved in memory, centered in the hippo campus.


The cerebellum coordinates muscle movements

Extending back from the base of the brain is a structure known as the cerebellum. The cerebellum controls balance, Posture, and muscular coordination. This small, cauliflower-shaped structure, while well developed in humans and other mammals, is even better developed in birds. Birds perform more complicated feats of balance than we do, because they move through the air in three dimensions. Imagine the kind of balance and coordination needed for a bird to land on a branch, stopping at precisely the right moment without crashing into it.


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